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首页 >> 西藏 >> 宾馆酒店 >> ★★★香巴拉酒店

香巴拉酒店是一个以藏文化为主题的挂牌三星级旅游涉外酒店。地处拉萨市中心八廓街,东邻金碧辉煌的大昭寺,西近举世闻名的布达拉宫,环境宜人,交通极为便利。 酒店设计新颖、独特,装饰典雅,设备先进,集住宿、餐饮、娱乐、购物、商务活动、会议接待为一体,时刻为宾客提供温馨、舒适、优质、安全、一流的服务,是国内外宾客旅游观光与商务活动的理想下榻之处。



Shangbala Hotel is 3 star hotel with shows special Tibetan cultural style on the Barkhor street bazaar Lhasa, It located in the heart of the old town with famous Jokhang Temple, It's near the world famous tourist spot Potala Palace with the traffic is convenient and it's ideal choice for tourist. It was unique decoration and well facilities with accommodation, food & beverage, entertainment, shopping, business center with meeting hall.
The major tourist spot from hotel as following:
- 40/Min driving distance for Lhasa Airport
- 8/Min driving distance for Lhasa new Railway station
- 3/Min walking distance for Jokhang Temple
- 5/Min driving distance for Potala Palace
5/Min driving distance for Norbu Lingka & Tibetan Museum.

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  • 联系地址:成都市人民中路三段6号 如家快捷酒店5楼(文殊坊对面)  邮编:610031
  • ★经营许可证编号:L-SC-GJ0005-F16  网站备案许可证:蜀ICP备05013256号
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